Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Project 365, Day 9

Snow is melting and it's getting muddy outside.  Abby likes to get dirty, which dog doesn't!!  It's supposed to be almost 55 degrees on Saturday, I thought it was the middle of January??!

We had hockey tonight, so Brody skated and Caden ran around the outside of the rink.  He likes to pretend to play on all the games outside in the lobby too.

I'm trying to change my FB page for Brodacious Bags but FB is not being very cooperative and I may of already screwed myself by changing my web address to the new name already, but they won't change the real name.  So I can't even make a new page now with the name I want :(  BOO!!!  But maybe I should just direct everyone to my Etsy site anyways, since FB doesn't get many views these days with all their setting changes.  Between this blog and my Etsy, hopefully sales can pick up!

My Etsy Site

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